Dick Gorman

Dick Gorman

I am a native of Oswego, now residing in Sterling. Prior to my retirement, I had a very long career in Information Systems, holding positions of Systems Programer and Technical Support Manager as well as Systems Manager on large mainframe computers.


I always enjoyed wood working as a hobby but discovered wood turning in 2009 after attending a demonstration at my local wood workers club. I was immediately captivated by the process of going from a log to a finished product on one machine. After reading an article “Get Into Wood Turning For Less Than $600,” I bought a mini lathe, some tools and joined a turning club. I found that the club members were very generous with their expertise and time and learned.


I still have that mini but do the majority of my turning on a full-size lathe. I enjoy passing all that I have learned on to other “wannabe turners” and often recruit new members to our turning club. I am a member of the Central New York Woodturners and The American Association of Woodturners.

My Portfolio